⚛ QuestionBox Progress Check-In ⚛
Posted on Jul 26th, 2021
Today’s Topics
- How’s QuestionBox coming along? 👀
Today’s class is devoted to getting you past any blockers you may be experiencing and to talk through next steps.
🎯 Project: QuestionBox is due on Thursday
By today you should have a working front-end for:
- login and logout
- registration
- user dashboard/profile
- show all questions
- show all questions for a single user (authenticated user; own questions only (could show on dashboard/profile))
- show all answers for a single user (authenticated user; own answers only (could show on dashboard/profile))
- create a question (authenticated users only)
- show details for a single question
- show all answers for a single question
- create an answer for a question (authenticated users only)
Depending on how you’ve constructed your front-end, you might have separate components for all of the above, or you might have fewer components (for instance, if you nested answers in the question detail component). What matters is that your have a working front-end for users to be able to start creating questions and posting answers.
Go back to the project requirements and make sure you are able to do the things the project requires. Also check to make sure that you are not building features or functionality that you don’t need!
All of the above should be working in production (Netlify)!