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Team 8 Classroom

Welcome to Phase 4!

Posted on Aug 2nd, 2021

The past twelve weeks have prepared you to take on the challenge ahead in these next four weeks. Your goal is to design and build a real-world software product, working collaboratively on a small team using agile development practices and all the tools you’ve already learned – and some you will learn as you go.

At the end of the phase, your team will present your product to an audience of local tech professionals, hiring partners, and the Momentum community.

The experience of working on a team during this phase and the product you build will form the foundation for your job search after graduation. The people skills you’ll use will be just as important as the technical skills!

You will not begin writing code for your project until Thursday of this week.

Today’s topics

  • What is agile development?
  • Forming final project groups
  • Brainstorming product ideas


🔖 Resources

Idea Generation 💡

Agile Development

Tags: phase-4 agile

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