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๐Ÿ Welcome to Python! ๐Ÿ

Posted on Jun 7th, 2021

Welcome to Phase 2, where weโ€™ll be learning about back end development. Topics weโ€™ll cover include:

  • Python and object-oriented programming
  • Building web applications with Django
  • Working with a relational database

๐Ÿ“… Todayโ€™s topics

  • Running Python
  • Syntax differences between JS and Python
  • Python
    • variables
    • if statements
    • while loops
    • Input and output with input and print
    • Functions

โœ… TODO today

  1. Make sure your dev environment is set up, using our guide.
  2. Complete the first part of this Python tutorial, through the โ€˜Functionsโ€™ section.
  3. Configure VS Code to use LiveShare. Test it out with a buddy to make sure it is working.

๐Ÿ Code Break

Try working with input and output

๐ŸŽฏ Project

Weโ€™ll begin Python the way we began JavaScript, with some exercises and tests you can run to keep you on track. Weโ€™re going to use an awesome free online tool called Exercism.

Please sign up using your GitHub account (getting started instructions) and choose the Python track. There are two ways to use Exercism, in Practice Mode or Mentor Mode. Either one is fine for our purposes, but Practice Mode is less setup.

Work through their command line setup walkthrough to install Exercism on your computer.

To run the tests, you will need a testing library called pytest installed. Run:

pip install pytest pytest-cache

In the Python track, complete the following exercises:

  1. Hello World
  2. Two Fer
  3. Raindrops
  4. Scrabble Score

Be sure to read the instructions for each exercise carefully. Here is a guide to running the Python tests on Exercism.

For each exercise, follow the instructions on Exercism to upload your solution. You will then need to mark it as complete. At that point you will be given the option to publish it. You must publish your solution in order to submit your homework.

To submit your homework, paste your solution urls into this form.

If you get through all four of these, please continue with other exercises that seem interesting or fun to you. There are lots to choose from!

๐Ÿ”– Resources


๐Ÿ““ Jupyter Notebooks

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๐Ÿฆ‰ Code & Notes

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